I forgot something at the hotel, what should I do?

Contact the hotel to check the “Lost and Found”.

Contact the hotel and indicate your request to find out the conditions.

Click on the link to see the Menu https://www.hoteldamusica.com/en/restaurant/.

No, the hotel does not have a gym.

No, the hotel does not have a swimming pool.

Click on the link to see the special offers https://www.hoteldamusica.com/en/offer/ .

Yes, we have a mobile app available.

Yes, our app is available on all devices.

No, access is via QR Code.

In Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Smoking is only permitted outside the hotel.

Yes, the car park is paid and costs €10.50/day.

Whenever you need a parking space, you must indicate this when you make your booking, which will be managed as a priority, but the space will only be confirmed when you arrive.

Yes, we have a space where guests can store their luggage free of charge before check-in and after check-out.

Pets are not allowed in the hotel.

For information on spaces for events, meetings and conferences, please contact us.

For information on spaces for events, meetings and conferences, please contact us.

Yes, we have a lift available.

Yes, we have chargers for electric cars, which are always subject to availability and payment.

Yes, we have Wi-Fi available throughout the property

Yes, there are communal areas.

Yes, the hotel has a laundry and ironing service.

There are various activities that you can book at reception: sightseeing tours, trips on the Douro river, visits to the Port wine cellars, guided tours and Sealife.

Yes, this service is subject to availability, additional cost and prior reservation.

Once the customer has been contacted and the housekeeper has confirmed that the lost item is at the hotel, the customer will be asked if they would like to collect it later or if they would prefer it to be sent by a responsible company, subject to an additional cost.

You can subscribe to the newsletter available on the hotel’s website.

No, at the moment Hotel da Música doesn’t have a loyalty programme.

You can find information on more Hoti Hoteis hotels here: https://www.hotihoteis.com/hotel-portfolio/.