Hotel da Música

Hotel da Música


What is the check-in schedule?

Check-in begins at 14h. For early check-in, guests should contact the hotel to consult availability. Additional costs might be added.

What is the check-out schedule?

The check-out is made until 12h. For late check-out, guests should contact the hotel to consult availability. Additional costs might be added. In case it is part of a campaign, late check-out conditions are not ruled by this procedure.

Late check-in. Is it possible to do check-in until what time?

Reception available 24h. For non-guaranteed reservations, check-in must be made until 18:00, after that time, a credit card is required to guarantee the reservation.

Is the reception opened 24h?

Yes, the reception is opened 24h.

Which languages are spoken in the reception?

In the reception we speak Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

What documents are required for check-in?

Valid identification document for all guests (Citizen card, passport, proof of residence).

If I am allergic to an ingredient, when and where do I inform you?

You must inform the hotel at the time of booking or at check-in.